White Rodgers Air Filters

White Rodgers Air Filters furnace filters come in many standard sizes, and are interchangeable with other brands that are the same size. While we may not carry the White Rodgers Air Filters brand specifically, we do have size-matched replacements for the filter you need.
For most sizes you will have several options to choose from so you can get a higher quality filter or save a little money with a cost efficient model. Using the drop-down boxes to the left, enter the dimensions from your existing filter.
Filter Sizes
Although one of the lesser known brands, White-Rodgers has been a longstanding player in the HVAC industry, forming its initial company in 1937. White-Rodgers primarily focused on temperature control units, but as they have grown, they have expanded to include an entire line of heating and cooling systems, while still working to remain an industry leader in air controls.
Among many of the products offered by White-Rodgers today are their HVAC system air filters. These filters are designed to trap more than 90% of airborne dust and particles - keeping the quality of your residential air as clean as possible. We offer a variety of sizes in White-Rodgers filters to fit your home HVAC systems. These filters range anywhere from a MERV 8 rating to a MERV 13 rating, blocking everything from standard dust and pollen to pet dander and smoke.
In addition, due to their increased surface space, White-Rodgers filters can prevent many of these airborne particles from entering a home's airstream for three to six months before needing to be replaced.
One of the main benefits you'll find from using these White-Rodgers air filters is less wear and tear on your home's HVAC system. The use of these filters throughout the year ensures an HVAC system can run at optimum levels for much longer without additional repair. This not only saves you money on utility bills, but it also reduces the overall cost of the HVAC system for each additional year it is able to work properly.
Another great benefit is the improved health that comes with utilizing high-quality White-Rodgers air filters. Especially for those sufferers of allergies and asthma who require super-clean air quality, the fact that 90% or more of all airborne particles are removed before they even enter the home helps reduce the risk of sickness to allergy and asthma sufferers.