Face Your Basement Fears: Maintenance Tips

What's your basement like? If you use it primarily for laundry and storage, you might not notice small things like foundation cracks, sump pump problems and strange noises from the furnace. But those small problems can add up to real trouble if they're left untreated.

House Maintenance Tips
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Keeping your basement safe requires a little time and effort - but the payoff can be a safe home. Here are a few ways to protect your basement - and your home - from serious damage:

  • Cracks in your basement walls or floor could be signs of a weak foundation. If you see several cracks, particularly if they're horizontal, contact a foundation specialist.
  • Noisy or strange-acting furnace? Make sure you check and replace your furnace filter on a regular basis, usually every three months or so.
  • Be sure to check and replace air filters and other filters in your home as is necessary.
  • Leaky basement windows? If there's water collecting in the window wells, treat and seal them as soon as you can. In areas with cold weather, water can freeze and expand, which can cause even more problems.
  • Make your basement laundry area safe by replacing vinyl exhaust ducts with metal ducts. You should check vents and hoses regularly, and clean your dryer's lint collector after every load.

Share the Facts

Fact: 40% of annual household energy costs can be due to heating. (tweet this)
Fact: A well maintained furnace can be 10% more efficient. (tweet this)

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