Food Safety: Guide to a Clean Fridge

Your batter is ready, the oil is hot, and you're absolutely ready to fry up some chicken goodness. You have no doubt in the magic that your skillet is about to create. However, the fact that your chicken is as glowing and green as a radioactive lime is slightly concerning. This may be one of those defining moments in your life - the moment when you realize food expiration dates are sort of important. Does your ice taste funny? When last did you change your refrigerator water filter? Keep neon meat from killing your culinary confidence, prevent food poisoning and other food risks by clicking through this helpful guide to a clean fridge and food safety. You'll find step-by-step directions for cleaning the icebox as well as a food storage guideline to help you determine when to pitch the chicken.

Guide to a Clean Fridge
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How long can you keep food in the fridge? (tweet this)
If you keep apples next to carrots... Don't! (tweet this)
Fact: Most Americans only clean their fridge 1 or 2X a year! (tweet this)
Tip: Keep your refrigerator below 40 degrees to prevent bacteria growth. (tweet this)

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